Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Things are pretty busy with school, practices, friends and I'm working my ass off, but it feels pretty good.
I'm trying to handle everything all at once and it's almost driving me crazy and taking a toll on my body, but I'm actually just fine.

Thank you for keeping me sane and helping me get through everything.


  1. ahahah are you talking about neil? who keeps you sane and stuff? and like asks you to be his date for bmod banquet ? cus that's really cute =] LOL!!

  2. hahaha fine ill give you that one since i always tease you about HIM! lol
    and no i am not! haha i do have other friends LOL
    ..some more special than others. haha secret!
    PS: you're not getting a ride next time hahah jk

  3. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! i'm like seriously laughin right now -_- i feel retarded lol!! but this is so funny!

    oooooh i'm telling neil that you replaced him with another special guy!! LOL and whoever this person is.. i will find out! so i can tease you and we'll call it even!

    ps. no more free boba for you! lol just keeeding =]
