Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sooner or Later..

This is how it usually works for me: Good things happen, then later on, something happens that makes me feel like shit.

I've always been skeptical about good events in my life because I know something as bad or worst is going to come along. I think it's that time again. I don't know, something happened lately that just got me completely lost and confused on what I really want and see for myself. I just want one thing to just finally work out the way I wanted it to. I want to be fine and just be myself, whoever that really is because sometimes I don't even know.
I also think that I get disappointed too easily, I always try my hardest to expect the least, but in reality I don't.
I'm used to figuring shit out for myself and dealing with everything on my own, but I don't know if it worked out because everytime I feel like this it just gets worst and builds up. Oh well..
I'm tired and I hate doing this to myself, so I'll stop writing now =]. Goodnight!

Ahhh No Emo. I'll take care of it. haha

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reading my blogg buddy.
    I love you.
    I'm down to chill with you w/ or w/out BMOD.
    So hollar =D
    We can even study if u don't wanna chill hehe.
    And fa sho u better go to my 21st in vegas.
    I won't get fucked up, but I know I'll be "I love everyone" drunk and dance with everyone =D
    Ne-ways, after reading this blog post I hope you're okay.
    N if you need someone to talk to, I'll listen to you k.
    feel better buddy.

    <3 kimmiko
